Any entity that is listed in one of the categories of our website can opt to upgrade to a featured listing. That means that Chiropractors, Commercial Companies (Practice Management firms, manufacturers, supplement companies, service providers, etc...), and Chiropractic Schools, can all pay a small fee to have their listings become "Featured". However, pricing and structure are formatted differently for each due to the content that is provided in the Basic Listing for each category.

So, what does upgrading to a Featured Listing do for you? It gives you the exposure you're looking for! Every time a user completes a search using either of our search boxes (see top right corner of screen), they get a long list of results. This also includes searches done using our Advanced Search feature. With almost 100,000 different listings, it is easy to get lost in the crowd. When you have a Featured Listing, you will automatically be moved to the top of the list. The great thing about the search is that it pulls from each item of your listing - address, description, and Title.

Let us give you an example - say you are a Practice Management Firm called "Clinic Growth Professionals"; your address is 1234 Coaching Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11201; and your description is "We are a chiropractic practice management firm that specializes in helping new graduates achieve the success they dream of."

When a user does a general search using the ChiroHub search box for any of the words used in your listing - growth, professionals, Brooklyn, success, chiropractic, practice management, etc... your listing will get priority placement at the top of the results.

In addition to being placed at the top of the results pages, Featured Listings are automatically placed at the top of their respective categories. So, any time a user is browsing our Directory, and they enter the category where your listing appears, they will see your name at the top!

Many users are already taking advantage of these Featured Listings. Just type in "Portland" in the search box, and you will see the featured listing that comes to the top for Dr. Irving.

***BONUS*** As an additional incentive for you to upgrade your listing, we are offering a FREE news release paragraph that gets featured on our Home Page under the heading "Latest News".  This is another way for you to increase your visibility on the site.  You can use up to 250 words in your paragraph to describe the item(s) that you are featuring.  This is a great way to announce the release of a new product or service.  

If you would like to upgrade your listing to a Featured Listing, please start by making a payment using the buttons below. You can then Contact Us to let us know which listing you would like to upgrade. If you are a Manufacturer with several products in your line, we offer deep discounts for upgrading multiple listings. Just drop us an email to get a quote for your product line!







Visit our Upgrade Page for more details

About ChiroHub is committed to helping Chiropractors throughout the world improve their practice. We would also like to help the general public become more familiar with this wonderful form of health care.

Our goal at is to help patients find the best chiropractor for their needs, but also to facilitate referrals between chiropractors.

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  • info atchirohub dot com
  • 208.503.3742
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